Message / Μύνημα / Mensagem do Caboclo Águia Branca em 16.03.2020:

Translated here
Μεταφρασμένο λίγο πιο κάτω
Original message at the end

Message from Caboclo Águia Branca on 16.03.2020:

“This moment that humanity is going through now can be seen both as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. If they just regret the problem, consuming the news 24 hours a day, with low energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, they will fall into the hole. But if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, taking care of yourself and others, then you will be crossing the portal.

Take care of your home, take care of your body. Connect to the medium body of your spiritual house. Connect to the collective mind of your spiritual house. Body, house, medium body, spiritual house, all these are synonymous, that is to say the same thing. When you are taking care of one, you are taking care of everything else.

Do not lose the spiritual dimension of this crisis, have the point of view of the eagle, who from above, sees the whole, sees more broadly. There is a social demand in this crisis, but there is also a spiritual demand. The two go hand in hand. Without the social dimension, we fall into fanaticism. But without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and meaninglessness. You were prepared to go through this crisis. Take your toolbox and use all the tools you have at your disposal.

Know about the resistance of indigenous and African peoples: we have always been and continue to be exterminated. But we still don’t stop singing, dancing, building a fire and celebrating. Do not feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time. You do not help at all by being sad and without energy. You help if good things emanate to the Universe now. It is through joy that one resists.

Furthermore, when the storm passes, you will be very important in rebuilding this new world. You need to be well and strong. And, for that, there is no other way but to maintain a beautiful, cheerful and luminous vibration. This has nothing to do with alienation. This is a strategy of resistance. In shamanism, there is a rite of passage called the search for vision. You spend a few days alone in the forest, without water, without food, without protection. When you go through this portal, you acquire a new view of the world, because you have faced your fears, your difficulties … This is what is being asked of you. Let people take advantage of this time to carry out their vision-seeking rituals. What world do you want to build for yourself? For now, this is what you can do: serenity in the storm. Calm down and pray. Every day. Establish a routine of meeting the sacred every day. Good things emanate, what you emanate now is the most important thing. And sing, dance, resist through art, joy, faith and love.”

Μήνυμα από Caboclo Águia Branca στις 16.03.2020:

“Αυτή τη στιγμή που περνά τώρα η ανθρωπότητα μπορούμε να τη δούμε ως μια πύλη αλλά και ως μια τρύπα. Η απόφαση να πέσετε στην τρύπα ή να περάσετε από την πύλη εξαρτάται από εσάς. Εάν απλώς λυπηθούμε για το πρόβλημα, καταναλώνουμε τις ειδήσεις 24 ώρες την ημέρα, με χαμηλή ενέργεια, νευρικοί όλη την ώρα, με απαισιοδοξία, θα πέσουμε στην τρύπα. Αλλά αν εκμεταλλευτούμε αυτή την ευκαιρία για να κοιτάξουμε καλά τον εαυτό μας, να ξανασκεφτούμε τη ζωή και το θάνατο, φροντίζοντας τον εαυτό μας και τους άλλους, τότε θα διασχίσουμε την πύλη.

Ας φροντίσουμε το σπίτι μας. Ας φροντίσουμε το σώμα μας. Ας συνδεθούμε με το σώμα του πνευματικού μας σπιτιού. Ας συνδεθούμε με το συλλογικό μυαλό του πνευματικού μας σπιτιού. Σώμα, σπίτι, πνευματικό σώμα, πνευματικό σπίτι, όλα αυτά είναι συνώνυμα, είναι το ίδιο πράγμα. Όταν φροντίζουμε το ένα, φροντίσουμε τα πάντα.

Ας μη χάσουμε την πνευματική διάσταση αυτής της κρίσης, ας πάρουμε την οπτική γωνία του αετού, ο οποίος από ψηλά βλέπει το σύνολο, βλέπει μακριά. Υπάρχει κοινωνική απαίτηση σε αυτήν την κρίση, αλλά υπάρχει και μια πνευματική απαίτηση. Οι δύο πηγαίνουν χέρι-χέρι. Χωρίς την κοινωνική διάσταση, πέφτουμε στον φανατισμό. Αλλά χωρίς την πνευματική διάσταση, πέφτουμε σε απαισιοδοξία και νόημα. Είστε έτοιμοι να περάσετε από αυτή την κρίση. Πάρτε την εργαλειοθήκη σας και χρησιμοποιήστε όλα τα εργαλεία που έχετε στη διάθεσή σας.

Θυμηθείτε τη αντίσταση των αυτόχθονων και αφρικανικών λαών: πάντα υπήρξαμε και συνεχίζουμε να είμαστε υπό εξόντωση. Αλλά δε σταματάμε να τραγουδάμε, να χορεύουμε, να φτιάχνουμε φωτιά και να εορτάζουμε. Μην νιώθετε ένοχοι να είστε ευτυχισμένοι σε αυτή τη δύσκολη στιγμή. Δεν βοηθάτε καθόλου να είστε θλιμμένοι και χωρίς ενέργεια. Βοήθεια αυτή τη είναι η εκπομπή καλών πραγμάτων στο Σύμπαν. Είναι μέσα από τη χαρά που μπορούμε να αντισταθούμε.

Επιπλέον, όταν περάσει η καταιγίδα, θα είστε πολύ σημαντικοί για την ανοικοδόμηση αυτού του νέου κόσμου. Πρέπει να είστε καλά και ισχυροί. Και γι ‘αυτό, δεν υπάρχει άλλος τρόπος παρά να διατηρηθεί μια όμορφη, χαρούμενη και φωτεινή δόνηση. Αυτό δεν έχει καμία σχέση με την αποξένωση. Είναι μια στρατηγική αντίστασης. Στον σαμανισμό, υπάρχει μια ιεροτελεστία που ονομάζεται αναζήτηση όρασης. Ξοδεύετε λίγες μόνο ημέρες στο δάσος, χωρίς νερό, χωρίς φαγητό, χωρίς προστασία. Όταν περάσετε από αυτήν την πύλη, αποκτάτε μια νέα άποψη για τον κόσμο, επειδή έχετε αντιμετωπίσει τους φόβους σας, τις δυσκολίες σας… Αυτό σας ζητάμε. Αφήστε τους να επωφεληθούν από αυτή τη ευκαιρία για να πραγματοποιήσουν τις τελετουργίες τους αναζητώντας το όραμα. Εσείς τι κόσμο θέλετε να κτίσετε για τον εαυτό σας; Το κύριο που μπορούμε να κάνουμε προς το παρόν: ηρεμία στη θύελλα. Χαλαρώστε και προσευχηθείτε. Κάθε μέρα. Δημιουργήστε μια ρουτίνα συνάντησης με το ιερό κάθε μέρα. Τα καλά πράγματα διακτινίζονται, αυτό που εκπέμπετε τώρα είναι το πιο σημαντικό πράγμα. Και τραγουδάτε, χορεύετε, αντισταθείτε μέσω της τέχνης, της χαράς, της πίστης και της αγάπης.”

Mensagem do Caboclo Águia Branca em 16.03.2020:

“Esse momento que a humanidade está vivendo agora pode ser encarado tanto como um portal quanto como um buraco. A decisão de cair no buraco ou atravessar o portal cabe a vocês. Se ficarem apenas lamentando o problema, consumindo as notícias 24 horas por dia, com a energia baixa, nervosos o tempo todo, com pessimismo, irão cair no buraco. Mas se aproveitarem essa oportunidade para olharem para si, repensarem a vida e a morte, cuidando de si e dos outros, aí estarão atravessando o portal.

Cuidem da casa de vocês, cuidem do corpo de vocês. Se conectem ao corpo mediúnico da Casa espiritual de vocês. Se conectem à egrégora da Casa espiritual de vocês. Corpo, casa, corpo mediúnico, casa espiritual, tudo isso é sinônimo, quer dizer a mesma coisa. Quando você está cuidando de um, está cuidando de todo o resto.

Não percam a dimensão espiritual dessa crise, tenham o olhar da águia, que lá de cima, vê o todo, enxerga de forma mais ampla. Existe uma demanda social nessa crise, mas existe tambem a demanda espiritual. As duas andam de mãos dadas. Sem a dimensão social, caímos no fanatismo. Mas sem a dimensão espiritual, caímos no pessimismo e na falta de sentido. Vcs foram preparados para atravessar essa crise. Peguem a caixa de ferramenta de vocês e usem todas as ferramentas que vocês têm ao seu dispor.

Aprendam sobre resistência com os povos indígenas e africanos: nós sempre fomos e continuamos sendo exterminados. Mas nem por isso paramos de cantar, dançar, fazer fogueira e festa. Não se sintam culpados por estarem alegres durante esse período dificil. Vcs não ajudam em nada ficando tristes e sem energia. Vcs ajudam se emanarem coisas boas para o Universo agora. É através da alegria que se resiste.

Além disso, quando a tempestade passar, vocês serão muito importantes na reconstrução desse novo mundo. Vcs precisam estar bem e fortes. E, para isso, não há outro jeito senão se manter uma vibração bonita, alegre e luminosa. Isso não tem nada a ver com alienação. Isso é estratégia de resistência. No xamanismo, existe um rito de passagem chamado busca da visão. Vc fica alguns dias sozinhos na floresta, sem água, sem comida, sem proteção. Quando você atravessa esse portal, você adquire uma visão nova do mundo, por ter enfrentado seus medos, suas dificuldades… É o que está sendo solicitado a vocês. Que aproveitem esse tempo para realizarem os seus rituais de busca da visão. Que mundo vocês querem construir para vocês? Por hora, é o que vocês podem fazer: serenidade na tempestade. Se acalmem e rezem. Todos os dias. Estabeleçam uma rotina de encontro com o sagrado todos os dias. Emanem coisas boas, o que vocês emanam agora é o mais importante. E cantem, dancem, resistam através da arte, da alegria, da fé e do amor.”

[online event] Cyprus Communities+ : Eimaste w/ the Tree of Life, Sunday 12 April, from 10:30am


Σύντομα και στα Ελληνικά | Türkçe çeviri takdir edilecektir

At the present moment of social and economic rupture, this meeting between community-minded groups and individuals seems more urgent than ever. Join us in connecting with established and new initiatives around the world, and thinking together about questions such as the following:

– How are established planned communities dealing with the outbreak? What issues and challenges are they facing and how can we help each other?

– How is this situation affecting initiatives that are just now taking off? What new priorities are emerging?

– “We can see this situation as a hole or as a portal:” What new opportunities are being opened up? How can we ensure a better, different world after this interruption?

– How can we avoid isolation and social distancing from setting in, and having a lasting effect on future on us and our children?

– What other new questions should we be asking?

**We are using Free and Open Source Software: you can connect to the “eimaste” video channel from your phone through the Jitsi app, or you can click the following link on your computer:


Original event description

Through the years Cyprus has seen numerous efforts to create cooperatives and intentional communities around the ideals of eco-living, sustainability, alternative education, and renewed social connection. We invite community-minded initiatives and individuals to connect and enjoy each other’s visions and stories, in a family friendly environment with a loose programme of sharing our ideas, songs, dances, conversation, and play.

Suggested programme:
11:00-12:00 Arrival/introductions
12:00-13:30 Sharing information and visions between the collectives
13:30-14:30 Lunch and discussion (bring food to share)
14:30 smaller circles, games, and moving on to the beach (bring your instruments)
Do share your suggestions and please RSVP


Confirmed Participants / Επιβεβαιωμένες συμμετοχές:

To be confirmed:

  • Medorganic –


Κοινότητες της Κύπρου: Είμαστε στο Tree Of Life, Κυριακή 12/4 από 11:00π.μ

Τα τελευταία χρόνια έχουν γίνει πολλές προσπάθειες στην Κύπρο για την δημιουργία συνεργατισμών και συνειδητών κοινοτήτων γύρω από την ιδέα της οικοδιαβίωσης, της αυτοδιάθεσης – αυτοσυντήρησης, της εναλλακτικής – φυσικής εκπαίδευσης, και της αναδόμησης της κοινωνικής σύνδεσης. Καλούμε κοινοτικές ομαδικές και ατομικές πρωτοβουλίες να συνδεθούν, να χαρούν, και να μοιραστούν τα οράματα και τις ιστορίες τους, σε ένα φιλικό, οικογενειακό περιβάλλον με ένα χαλαρό πρόγραμμα ανταλλαγής ιδεών, τραγουδιών, χορών, συζητήσεων και παιχνιδιών.

Εισήγηση προγράμματος:
11:00-12:00 Άφιξη/γνωριμία.
12:00-13:30 Παρουσίαση στόχου και οράματος από ομάδες και άτομα
13:30-14:30 Γεύμα και συζήτηση των προλεχθέντων (φέρτε φαγητό να μοιραστούμε)
14:30 και μετά πηγαδάκια, παιχνίδια, μετάβαση στην παραλία
Παρακαλώ γράψτε τις εισηγήσεις και δηλώστε τη συμμετοχή σας.

Contact: Chrystalleni 99586369 | Sylvia 99802833

Costs: We invite a 5euro contribution per adult for the Tree of Life Centre. Water, coffee and tea will be provided. Do bring food to share.

Link facebook event

How to Nurture Resilience in adults and kids with practical advice through art and music: Parent Evening with Caroline Glas

Hosted by Stavrodromi Waldorf Education

Tuesday March 17 – 6:00pm – 8:30pm

Eimaste, 4 Iroon Square, Aglantzia, 2108 –   

Caroline Glas has worked as a Waldorf kindergarten teacher in Edinburgh for more than 20 years. She loves children, travel and social development. Caroline’s talk is informed by her experiences from India, China and the South Pacific while working for Steiner early childhood education, as well as ’emergency pedagogical’ work for traumatised children, parents and teachers in places of war or natural disaster, eg. Libya, Tunisia and very recently with refugees in Hamburg and Lebanon.

The Parent Evening will take place on Tuesday March 17, at Eimaste, 6:00pm – 8:30pm

All early years parents and teachers are warmly invited, as are all those who may wish to be part of the Waldorf community and see such schools grow and flourish.

Contact: Olga +357 99521672

Hülya +90 533 863 50 89 

+ Reggio Emilia

Rather than see learning as something that must take place in socially disconnected and pre-designed environments and activities, we wish for ourselves and our children to participate in an authentic and expanding community, made up of cooperation, care, imagination, creativity, and opportunity: for fun exploration, exciting problem-solving, beautiful sociability, and the enjoyable conquering of useful skills, each in our own time.

7 January 2020: Conversation about Alternative Education pt. 1

English below** 7 Ιανουαρίου 2020, 17:00+
Συζητήσεις για Εναλλακτική Εκπαίδευση: Γεώργιος Μιχαήλ – Παράδειγματα απο την Ισπανία.Ο Γιώργος θα ξεκινήσει τη συζήτηση μιλώντας για την εμπειρία του με ελευθεριακό σχολείο οργανωμένο από γονείς (El Jardin de los Sueños) στο Αλικάντε, και την εφαρμογή δημοκρατικής προσέγγισης σε δημόσιο σχολείο.Η συζήτηση θα είναι στα Ελληνικά ή/και στα Αγγλικά με ταυτόχρονη μετάφραση όπως χρειαστεί.
Θα έχουμε τσάι και τσιμπήματα.Διεύθυνση Πλατεία Ηρώων 4, Αγλαντζιά
99586369 | https://parentscollective.eimaste.net________**7 January 2020, 17:00+
Conversations about Alternative Education: Georgios Michail – Examples from SpainGeorgios will start the conversation by talking about his experience with a libertarian Alicante-based parent-run school (El Jardin de los Sueños) and a public school that is implementing a ‘democratic school’ approach.The conversation will be in Greek and/or English with live translation as necessary.
There will be tea and snacks.Address: 4 Iroon Square, Aglantzia, 2108
99586369 |