We offer the following workshops and happenings.
Monday Night Support Group: the Giraffe Sanctuary for Families in Transition
We help each other raise free children and deal with everyday challenges. Our carework is based in nonviolent communication and listening. Join our Monday night listening circle and support group.
Connective practices in community-integrated arts, nature- and tradition-based learning and care, across the divisions of Cyprus
developed and facilitated by Chrystalleni Loizidou, Hülya Dede, Sylvia Hadjigeorgiou and Konstantina Kasina
This community of practitioners of education through art, environmental education, students of traditional craft, and scholars of memory and ritual –and our families– finds in the notion of “artistic connective practices” a powerful and necessary tool, as we look for ways to meaningfully come together across the physical and political divisions. We resolve with new urgency to defy the forces of division and alienation forces now aggravated by the pandemic and new wars, and we focus on coming together in harvest. We gather to collect and process our island’s three major crops: grapes, olives, and carobs, no longer thinking in terms of “projects” and instead choosing to work towards life. We wish to share customs and rituals of care, mindful presence, belonging and connection, through the meaningful work of ancient traditions. We come together and invite our friends, neighbors, and families to join us in harmonious community, letting go of notions of “facilitation,” “coordination,” and “documentation,” and tapping into a natural flow in connection with nature and each other. Taking guidance from the seasonal productivity traditions of times past, we wish to focus on the occupational-therapeutic elements of the work at hand and share with each other our discoveries around its rituals, dances, songs, storytelling practices, and their means of generating social cohesion. We invite you to witness and contribute to our work across contemporary divisions, and join us in harvest.
Previously offered for
– Deep Commons Conference: Cultivating Ecologies of Solidarity and Care beyond Capitalism, Patriarchy, Racism and the State. Online. October 27 – 29, 2022. Hosted by the Department of Government and Politics, University College Cork, Ireland, in association with La Terre Institute for Community and Ecology, Mississippi, USA
– Connective Practices Symposium. Fontys University of the Arts
Tilburg, The Netherlands. 17-19 November 2022.
CO-CREATORS: Paradisial nudity as fundamental for community recovery by revealing and accepting truth
developed and facilitated by Sylvia Serena Hadjigeorgiou with the curatorial support of Chrystalleni Loizidou
From Greek history and mythology to the myth of Genesis we explore the ripples of losing the connection of co-creating life, of losing our paradisial innocence. We heal by enhancing our Inner, outer and greater body acceptance through stripping layers of conditioning.
Let’s explore the myth of the original sin and our expulsion from Paradise, in relation with Greek mythology and the correspondence of the myths to anthropological and historical narratives. Let’s explore the ripples of losing the connection of co-creation between men and women, when women claimed the power and blessings of child bearing (as Eva eats the apple of knowledge first), and our expulsion from Paradise (as Adam receives the knowledge, blames Eva and makes an ethical shift, enslaving women and attacking their sexuality as a sin). At this moment of ethical shift, we were expelled from Paradise. In order to restore meaningful community it is necessary to restore the first concealment of truth, that created devastating results for women and men, so we begin to heal primal traumas. Paradisial nudity is essential in order to accept our wholeness and reveal the clothed truth, from the depths of our souls. The presentation will come in the form of storytelling followed by a brief discussion with an anthropologist and a psychologist.
Nudity during the online workshop is optional.
Previously offered for
– Deep Commons Conference: Cultivating Ecologies of Solidarity and Care beyond Capitalism, Patriarchy, Racism and the State. Online. October 27 – 29, 2022. Hosted by the Department of Government and Politics, University College Cork, Ireland, in association with La Terre Institute for Community and Ecology, Mississippi, USA