Connective Practices Weekends 2022
invitation to circle and harvest
invitation to circle and harvest
14:00 19 Nov. 2022
part of “Connective practices in community-integrated arts, nature- and tradition-based learning and care, across the divisions of Cyprus” developed for the Artistic Connective Practices Symposium, Fontys University Tilburg,
facilitated by Chrystalleni Loizidou and Hülya Dede
In the beginning there is flow. There is the “being in the rhythms of nature”, the “being in social connection”, with uninterrupted experimentation and creativity, the feeling of the elements and the seasons, the observing and the doing, the running and climbing and picking fruit and making shelter, and getting sand between your toes. There is the joy and gratitude of harvest. But then the care-work that reproduces the “being in the rhythms of nature” is imprisoned by top-down notions of education and productivity. These impositions dominate the doing and life, so they separate us from the flow and our rhythms. Being and doing are turned into work and people into things. Thus the world is crazy, and revolts are practices of rediscovering connection and rhythm.
Fundraising Campaign Launched on Open Collective
Toolkit for Connective Practices
This is where you can find the latest version of our Toolkit for Connective Practices for Community Flow and families in transition. For now this takes the form of a folder on Google Drive.
“Keep the Children in the Room:” On the Biopolitics of Single Mothering in the Time of Covid
A dialogue between Livia Moura and Chrystalleni Loizidou.
This dialogue is part of a project entitled “On the Knowledge We Receive Through Our Vagina” an initiative of the Ixodos collective.
Workshop: CO-CREATORS: Paradisial nudity as fundamental for community recovery by revealing and accepting truth
developed and facilitated by Sylvia Serena Hadjigeorgiou with the curatorial support of Chrystalleni Loizidou
Part of the Deep Commons Conference, on Saturday October 29th, 13:15pm. To take part call 99802833.
From Greek history and mythology to the myth of Genesis we explore the ripples of losing the connection of co-creating life, of losing our paradisial innocence. We heal by enhancing our Inner, outer and greater body acceptance through stripping layers of conditioning.
Nonviolent Communication Meetups
Remember that time you sat together in front of a youtube video, with lots of your friends, taking notes about how to handle conflict in your relationships, and then talking about it? We do this regularly. Get in touch if you’re interested.
Workshop: Connective practices in community-integrated arts, nature- and tradition-based learning and care, across the divisions of Cyprus
(Non-)Sharenting as a Form of Maternal Care? The Dilemmas of Mothers of 0- to-8-Year-Old Children. ICA 71st Annual Conference (virtual). By Mascheroni, G., Cino, D., Zaffaroni, L.G. & Amadori, G. (2021).
Gratitude to Andra Siibak for her excellent work, and Dimitra Milioni for the connection!
(Non) sharenting as an act of maternal care.mp4 from DataChildFutures on Vimeo.