Publication [visual essay]: Connective practices in community-integrated arts, nature- and tradition-based learning and care, across the divisions of Cyprus

Our spell for coming together (screenshot below entitled: Connective practices in community-integrated arts, nature- and tradition-based learning and care, across the divisions of Cyprus) was published in the astonishing Artistic Connectivity Unfolding issue of the Artistic Research Caralogue. 

Click here for Falk Hübner’s editorial, and here for the Publication’s Table of Contents

Ιούνιος / June, 2024

Wednesdays/Τετάρτες @Eimaste
10:00 – Ιερός Χορός / Sacred Belly Dance with Sylvia Serena ή Reiki με την Κωνσταντίνα
11:00 – Κύκλος / Support circle
12:00 – Συλλογική κουζίνα / Collective cooking
13:30 – Μεσημεριανό / Lunch
15:00 – Παιχνίδι και δραστηριότητες με παιδιά / Free play and activities with children
17:00 – Συλλογικό συγύρισμα και αποχαιρετισμός / Clean-up and farewell

Also see Yoga with Elena Buscarini

Eimaste 2023 Cycle: a community-integrated childcare and early learning program

With great joy we invite families to join the new cycle of the “Eimaste” Parents Cooperative, for 2023. Our plan is to offer tailored childcare and learning resources responding to shared needs, building on the experience we’ve gathered since 2019. Our goal is to create a childcare environment and rhythm based on beautiful community and a sense of emotional security and belonging, where our children are safely able to learn and explore, embedded in a broader, reliable support-system of like-minded families. “Eimaste” serves as the foundation and primary infrastructure made up by pedagogues, spaces, materials, accummulated knowledge and best practices with elements from the Waldorf-Steiner, Forest School, “parenting by connection” and worldschooling movements.

We are able to support two mixed age cooperative pods one for the morning and one for the afternoon, made up of 4-8 families each. Contact Chrystalleni, our coordinator, at 99586369 to learn more and sign up for our Open Day on January 21st.  


invitation to circle and harvest

invitation to circle and harvest
14:00 19 Nov. 2022 

part of “Connective practices in community-integrated arts, nature- and tradition-based learning and care, across the divisions of Cyprus” developed for the Artistic Connective Practices Symposium, Fontys University Tilburg,
facilitated by Chrystalleni Loizidou and Hülya Dede

In the beginning there is flow. There is the “being in the rhythms of nature”, the “being in social connection”, with uninterrupted experimentation and creativity, the feeling of the elements and the seasons, the observing and the doing, the running and climbing and picking fruit and making shelter, and getting sand between your toes. There is the joy and gratitude of harvest. But then the care-work that reproduces the “being in the rhythms of nature” is imprisoned by top-down notions of education and productivity. These impositions dominate the doing and life, so they separate us from the flow and our rhythms. Being and doing are turned into work and people into things. Thus the world is crazy, and revolts are practices of rediscovering connection and rhythm.

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