Hosted by Stavrodromi Waldorf Education
Tuesday March 17 – 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Eimaste, 4 Iroon Square, Aglantzia, 2108 – maps.app.goo.gl/KLRM5Uj1quiGmCv48
Caroline Glas has worked as a Waldorf kindergarten teacher in Edinburgh for more than 20 years. She loves children, travel and social development. Caroline’s talk is informed by her experiences from India, China and the South Pacific while working for Steiner early childhood education, as well as ’emergency pedagogical’ work for traumatised children, parents and teachers in places of war or natural disaster, eg. Libya, Tunisia and very recently with refugees in Hamburg and Lebanon.
The Parent Evening will take place on Tuesday March 17, at Eimaste, 6:00pm – 8:30pm
All early years parents and teachers are warmly invited, as are all those who may wish to be part of the Waldorf community and see such schools grow and flourish.
Contact: Olga +357 99521672
Hülya +90 533 863 50 89